So had a few lsitens on speakers and on phone's - for what it's worth, my 0.02c!
Guidothepimmp- Real bass, make me real happy :thumbsup: X-cuse me while I kiss this guy...
The lick(s) (1:18 ish?) were real subtle and real slick - I didn't hear them until I stuck on 'phones. Lead/solo tone was pretty sweet (sustain was great), playing kept me listening all the way through - nicely!
Drums did have a lofi loungey vibe - I'm digging the changeup from a normal kit sound. Though I'm wondering if it made the lead sound a little dull - not sure about the overall mix, might have had it little bit brighter?
Studmissile - Best vocal yet - right up front, where it should be for country?
1:26, you manged to sneak it in there...heh. Many, many plus points for the harp! More of that in the track please.
Overall something didn't quite glue together the track - can't put my finger on it - the vocal and harp are great, but the rest doesn't feel like it's in the same room - reverbs maybe? I dunno, just thinking out loud.
Bluetone - Man, that tele sounds killer. Also the solo using the bridge pup just lends itself to that sound, really dug that. Kinda country, kinda rock. And your bends are really, really tasteful - real well timed and in pitch. Totally jealous, wish I had more of that in my playing.
Not convinced by the octaved down tele bass, felt like a bass, it works - but a bit woofy?
Tough vote - Bluetone's is the most polished mix, everything works. I like Guido's vibe and guitar tone, and Stud's harp and vocals were just great.
I would love to hear the three of you shoot out your tele's someday...I know you all is tele owners!