Found a few old guitars cleaning out. Does anyone have any idea of the value of an;
Ibanez BISON Bizarre 1966
And a
Horugel Hammerstein?
Found two helping to clean out a garage...
Found a few old guitars cleaning out. Does anyone have any idea of the value of an;
Ibanez BISON Bizarre 1966
And a
Horugel Hammerstein?
Found two helping to clean out a garage...
As with anything, condition is of paramount importance when talking value. The other key factor is having a willing buyer who wants the item badly enough to warrant a great price.
The issue with the Ibanez is it was a time in the marques history when their best items were not being produced. Thats not to say that the instrument isnt good. It may well be.. but it does mean that it is a relatively unknown model to most players. Therefore value may drop. If there are collectors looking for one, it might jack the price.
My guestimate is that a pristine example with case might fetch R3 to 4k odd for the average joe. Maybe more for a collector. But that is all it is.. a guestimate. You could check out for more info. Also just consider the USA has a lot more potential buyers therefore, their price estimates would be higher ( presumably).
Never heard of the other brand. Good luck and nice finds
All the @guidothepimmp mentioned is good stuff.
Pics would help assess condition! But lacking that, condition (parts missing, original finish, playability, etc...) play a major role - it'll be damn near impossible to find replacement original parts for these two if there's anything broken/missing.
Found a bison on reverb 0 $699! But that's a real speculative price. Looks to me as a Japanese copy of a Burns Bison - the 60's had Japanese builders making cheaper copies of US/UK guitars. Locally, there's some interest in these, but it's tough to say. Depending on condition, somewhere from R1k-5k. And 5k would be a mint example with original case to someone who reallly, realllly wanted it.
The Horugel (first time I ever heard of it) is likely a re-branded Samick from the same era. Again depending on condition (and model - there's acoustics and electrics, somewhere from R500-R2k. And 2k would be maybe ambitious .