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I really dug the the first track (Illmind), the rest are interesting. Though Andrew's track (last) is bizarre. But you get a glimpse into each's production flow and style - which is always cool.

What's cool is that they used a full song's stems (free sample download below) to do this. Has guitar, bass, sax, etc.. Great idea to start offering a full song, played by real musicians as a sample pack.

Get the 600mb sample song/pack here

I really like this series.

It shows just how creative you can be in theory crafting music, albeit not always my taste.

Maybe we can try a similar challenge?

RCVN albeit not always my taste.

+1, though that's cool too. Nice to get things to explore a bit deeper into.

RCVN Maybe we can try a similar challenge?

We kinda did during lockdown with the backing track thing,. though we created the loops.

No reason not to try with one of the free sample packs - royalty free means no worries with copyright things for our purposes.

RCVN Maybe we can try a similar challenge?

If people are up for it, maybe something like a secret santa - draw a name from a hat and you have to use that person's soundcloud as a sample pack to make something

  • V8 and RCVN like this.
  • V8 replied to this.

    klaasvakie That's a cooool idea - like it! Only downside(s) I can see is we might not all have the stems for the tracks on our respective soundclouds (and I feel for the fool that draws my soundcloud as a source! 😁 )



    Let's pick a person and that person needs to show what stems they have available?

    • V8 replied to this.

      RCVN How about a shout out for volunteers on whatsapp group? I know most of my stems are lost in the aether's of ableton. WHich is a relief 😉

      • RCVN replied to this.

        V8 So a group of volunteers from where a random person gets picked? Or are you saying we pick one person and go for it?

        • V8 replied to this.

          RCVN That's assuming there's more than one volunteer 😉 I say ask and see where it leads,

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