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  • Guitar
  • I need assistance with fingerstyle

At this point in time, It is not possible for em to get a music teacher. Although I would love to.
Having said that, I am in need of guidance.
That is why I am reaching out to this community for any one that is willing to have a chat with me and to guide my into the direction where my musical goals takes me. I know exactly what I want to achieve, but I need a pointing in the right direction.
If you are willing to guide/mentor me, please send me a personal message with your mail address and I will send you a mail and we can have a chat.
Thank you.

Hi RobbieZ - I am a beginner - have been playing for a couple of years, and can muddle through some tunes. I have more or less got the hang of Travis picking on a straightforward version of Freight Train, for example, and can get through some chord-melody arrangements of some standards.
So if you are at this stage, or further, then I'll be no use to you, but if you cannot play any fingestyle at all, then maybe I can help? Mail is bill at tubarose dot co dot za

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5 days later

I am always trying to learn to play as well. Unfortunately, some work is required to achieve a semblance of success. And that implies effort and time.

I can recommend you use all your available fingers, if you still have them: That would be four fingers for fretting strings, leaving the thumb out of the equation for now, and then, five fingers to pluck strings.
A basic exercise to get them all working is to play scales. Ugh. Yes, but do master this one:

You start on the bass E string, open string. With successive fingers (first, middle ring, pinky) press down the string at fret 1, 2, 3 and 4, while keeping the fingers at the fret they pressed. This will help to stretch your fingers. As for the picking hand, start with the thumb for the open string, then fingers 1 (fret 1), middle (fret 2), ring (fret 3), pinky (fret 4) on each successive fret. This will teach you to use all five of those.
Repeat on the A string, D string, g string only to fret 3, b string to fret 4, e string to fret 3 (or 4). And then, work it backwards, all the time using all five fingers to pluck the strings - backwards would mean start with pinky, then ring, then middle, then first, then thumb (fret 4, 3, 2, 1, open string).
This is merely running up and down a semi-tone scale.

String 6 (Bass E)
press with finger: open 1 2 3 4
Note: E F F# G, Ab,
pluck with: thumb first middle ring pinky

and so forth for the other strings.
You only go to fret 3 on string 3 (g) because fret 4 would be string 2 open (b).

Unfortunately this will not teach you to use fingers interchangeably on alternate strings or such. But having your fingers able to stretch across four or five frets, is good. Having the skill to use all five fingers to pick when required is good.
Of course, you can run this exercise using a plectrum as well.
I can recommend getting some classical guitar skills down. Playing multiple notes together, stretching across frets and neck. So, if you do get to lessons at some stage, invest in classical guitar lessons as well.

I have not looked at u-tube or videos on the internet, but I am sure there has to be a lot of good stuff to help. Also a lot of bad stuff to not help. If you understand TAB, and can read music, Premier Guitar has a teaching page, with a lot of stuff I have yet to master. Some of it is rather good finger exercises. Lots of theory.

I have downloaded some excercises like this, the one I have in mind is:

Dear 6-String Sensei: How Do I Improve My Chops?
By Lily Maase

A lot of stuff on that site.

Have fun.

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