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AndrewRaru Though I can say so far I have a few really great things and even I couldn't really believe the pricing from some of the suppliers this year

Well, you didn't have to tease me - I was gonna keep an eye on it anyways ?

AndrewRaru kicking off deals on the Monday this year rather than the Wednesday. So from the 25th there will be deals going live and more added daily. Then on the actual Black Friday there will be a few batches going up every few hours. After that the last new batch will be for Cyber Monday.

Very coool to know - that was a minor frustration last year, no-one really knew what Raru had planned - since Raru does take musical instruments a lot more seriously than takealot, I prefer to keep an eye on Raru just to see if something tempts me.

AndrewRaru Regarding SX guitars I'm honestly not too sure, our supplier there seems to have stopped bringing in stock. We've never sold a huge amount of them so I hadn't really noticed the decrease in availability, though I'll look into it and see if there might be a shipment coming in soon.

Not a beeg deal, it's just that I point beginners at a SX over anything else and Raru did have a really good range at prices that beat Squire Bullet/low-end Corts. I guess when MD/Bothners dump Squire Bullets and Corts at below 2k it's tough to move a lessor known brand at a similar price point (even though they are much better instruments).

    NorioDS Hey Norio! It done been shipped! Allparts shipment came in yesterday and all orders have gone out ? Thanks for letting me know!

    I'd be interested in deals on any of these:

    • A crybaby mini wah pedal
    • A mini tube screamer pedal
    • A bcb-60 case
    • A 2x12 cab (or a crazy good deal on a combo valve amp with attenuation for bedroom practise?)

    Haha nice, wonder if I can pester @AndrewRaru here instead of emails for things like my Mooer Radar that he hooked me up with ?

    NorioDS What you could always do is get an amp that you want from Raru and then an attenuator from JP Le Roux. Not cheap but then you can go for any amp you want without needing to worry about built in attenuation as a selling point

    Edit: also stuff Andrew helped me out with: Seymour Duncan Hot Rodded Humbucker set - originally was going to be an import but without asking, he checked with local suppliers, found a set in the country and offered to arrange that for me instead - saved time on delivery and provided another example of how great it is dealing with him ? Also, Raru is the only place I can reliably find my Dunlop Gator Grip 1.5mm picks so that's great too! (especially with the 'buy [x] for R[y]' deals on picks)

    AndrewRaru I can confirm that there will be a crazy deal on at least 1 of these ?


      And finally, Thanks to Andrew for arranging New Nut November for me (added to a friends order - felt wasteful to order just a new nut on one order lol)

      Cheap easy upgrade to a guitar - such a seemingly minor change and my tuning stability is definitely better ?

      Next step for me is a Seymour Duncan Hotrails for the bridge position. Pretty much this but in white:


      I would enjoy a new guitar, but no funds this year, I might consider the pay for four months deal on a nice Ibby RG, though.

      I am wanting DiMarzio pickups, the PAF 36TH anniversary DP103BK and DP223FBK, with a Strat Red Velvet DP174 single coil. Worthwhile waiting for Black Friday, or will price not be lowered more? I was looking at Seymour Duncan APH's, but Seymour is also much Paymore...

      modulator It doesn't look like there'll be supplier deals on pickups for Black Friday. Though for a set like that I'm sure I can do some negotiating and work something out for you ?


      One thing not clear yet, do you guys anticipate to unpack new stock next week? Or should we plan around what is listed now?

      modulator You'll see everything in the event on our home page, you can also filter so that only Music Instruments items are shown ? It'll mostly be items already listed, but it won't show as in stock until they go live

        Ladies and Gentlemen... We arrrrrre LIIIIIIVE!

          I’ve had this in my wishlist for a few months. Couldn’t pass up at R899.