Afternoon all, I've got a bit of a long shot here.
I'm part of the Irene Dramatic Society in Centurion. Unfortunately someone has had to pull out of our year end show a few weeks before we go on stage and I'm battling to fill the spot.
We're looking for a man in his thirties or late twenties, who would be prepared to step in at short notice. Show dates are 22, 23, 29 and 30 November and rehearsals are Tuesdays and thursdays, although we would probably need a couple of pick up sessions.
It is not a large role but does have some dialogue and would be required to join in some group dances (no dance skill required) singing would be a bonus but is not necessary.
If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact me on whatsapp 083 216 double-5 76.