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Hi everyone,

I posted this in Regording -department first, but this must be the right one.

This is an improvisation, based on a chord sequence.

How do you like my sound in this live recording? 1st, 3rd and 5th solo is played with the following, not typical, rig:

Guild Starfire IV -66` guitar
Korg A4 multieffect
Sundown A 36 amp

Best, Jouni

    I like it. Something that would be nice in the background at a restaurant. The volume just very low!

      Actually I like it a lot. Very relaxing and easy to listen to.


      Hi Rodney,

      Thanks. We just started to play and this was the first take. I also play rock, but this time my touch was very light and sensitive. My son (who is actulally far better guitarist than I am - just google his youtube channel) joined in guitar. This was recorded with small Olympus Linear PCM Recorder (as small as a mobile phone) with its internal mics. I quess the recording level was too low, so you really need to turn up the volume.

      Best, Jouni

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