It did - thanks! I reckon that the drummer can send a master tempo to the rest of the midi clocks was the most amazing - so he can check what BPM he is at, and it follow's him whilke sending out his bpmn to everyone else's rig(s)- very, very, very cool.
RCVN What it comes down to for me is whether or not the person is acting out their performance vs actually performing it.
So it depends on the performer? I'd largely agree - though I do have a minor bugbear around 80's sounding midi instruments, it just sounds like one hasn't bothered when you hear some terribly tinny horns!
One other interesting use of 'backing' I saw used was a djent band (Opeth, or Periphery, or someone else - can't recall). When they went to digital processing (Kemper's), they programmed in all their patch changes - so they could just play and the rig would automatically change from clean to heavy to whatever as they went through the song. Still had to play to a click, but in djent, it's part of the 'style' so that's really not a issue.