I want to sell the following:
DD-7 - R900-00 RC-30- R3000-00 CS-3 - R600-00 BD-2 - R900-00 TU-3 - R900-00
I aam in Benoni/Centurion and dont really want to ship. so face to face exchange is best.
Ray I'll take that TU-3!
I'm in Centurion. WhatsApp: o82 567 793o
Ray Contact Number? Keen on the DD7.
studmissile 0788027500
DD-7 is sold.
TU-3 is sold
Ray TU-3 is sold
Thanks @Ray, I'm very happy with it. No idea yet what all the buttons do but it tunes perfectly when I stomp it ?
OK everybody, what is this and do you want to buy it?
Ray What is that and do I want to buy that? loL!
Ray hey Ray
It is a plexi style overdrive. Does it have a power supply unit? If memory serves.. those are the pesky 15v versions
This is what it looks like inside.
I like it , how does it sound ?
Isn't the Tube to close the Q5 and C4, that valve needs shield I think ?
I swopped a studio recorder for this quite a few years ago. I've never used it.
Blues Driver sold.
And the CS-3. That leaves the RC-30. R2500-00.
RC-30 also sold.