V8 As for re-doing it, you must have the patience of two saints and a few mothers too!
haha.. patience and me are difficult friends at best.. but i want to try keep this as original looking as possible.
I have this thin that I dont like standard looking guitars.. 'I hate a Sunburst.. plain.. is well just to plain ect.. like something different and vinyl wrapped is as different as you can get.
It made out of 8 pieces.. a 6 piece laminate slap.. roughly 50mm in width, with a top and bottom cap..about a 1mm thick.. and the top cap came off with the vinyl, had actually separated before I removed the vinyl, hence why the top is lighter, and I think that's why it bent..the top section dried out/ got exposed to moisture and warped
here hopefully you can see the slabs from the top.. but they are so evenly matched its hard getting to to pickup on the camera

the back with the capping, you can see how the grain of the capping is perpendicuar to the rest of the body

and the grove that runs right around the body, this is for a plastic beading that was the difficult to remove.. 50 odd year old plastic is kinda brittle. it go removed mostly intact.. but doubt it will be used again.

and I'm in 4 minds of what to do..
1) try steam it.. but a decent steam needs at least 2 hours of steam, But I'm concern about what will happen with the glue,
2) get new wood and re-cut..
3) use as is, and hope the curve gives character
4) plain the top flat , and hope it doesn't become to thin..