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Well, I don't do it annually, but everytime I post someone benefits so here goes:

Personally I'd avoid the foam ones for long term use, they get crusty quick and arn't as easy to use as silicone/rubber ones. I've had a set of Vater (20db) plugs for over a decade, when they get crusty, I just -soak n rinse in hot water, good as new!

I've gotten a lot of use out of my plugs, more often than not I'm the only one using them (though many peeps agree that they should) - I won't go to a jam, gig or club without them. Drummer's cymbals and guitarists boost pedal are my main cause of 'ouch'.

Here's a few links from over the years


If you don't wanna read through the horror stories above

Custom earplugs from Protec Ear arn't cheap, but they are very good from all accounts. They were around R650-700 including taking a mold, but that's pricing from a good few years ago.

Alternatively a some friends are using Thunderplugs and I've not heard any complaints (pun intended). But oddly, I can't find a local stockist, The Gear Junkie did have - i'll update if I can find them. They were reasonably priced (around R200/set)

Raru have some listed, but no thunderplugs

Takealot have loads listed, mostly for swimming but they can be dual purpose.

V8 stickied the discussion.

    I had the opportunity to get some high end varifones when I was working on the mines but always missed them when they were in site to do fittings. Still grumpy about that.

    Mine are variphones. Generic silicone plugs with 20db replaceable filters. The place i got them does the fitted mould too at 4 times the price. They werent expensive. The place is opposite the csir in PTA

    • V8 likes this.
    • V8 replied to this.

      guidothepimmp The place i got them does the fitted mould too at 4 times the price

      Sure that's Protec-Ear? I almost got a pair, but going to audiologist for a fitting when I already had a serviable pair (that I still have) seemed like overkill at the time (and a bass that I wanted...?)

      V8 nope... i have been to protec. They are also good. The place i got mine was noiseclipper.

      See noiseclipper.co.za

      • V8 likes this.
      • V8 replied to this.

        guidothepimmp he place i got mine was noiseclipper.

        See noiseclipper.co.za

        Nice one thanks @guidothepimmp! Sometimes it's good that I stick my foot in my mouth (sometimes both!).

        Quite like the look of the "FIT-4-ALL MUSIC" variphones, as a balance of price/performance (16.5 Euros) - I've sent noiseclipper a email to see if there's local stock and how much they'd be.

        Will update if/when I hear back from them.

        V8 those fit for all music are the ones i have. Cant remember the cost but it wasnt expensive. The unit comes stock with the filters and large and small silicone plugs. Good stuff. They come in a handy little metal container that attaches to my car keys.
        If you need me to swing by there and pick something up.. just shout

        • V8 likes this.

        Update: Heard back from the fellows at noiseclipper...

        A set of Variphone Fit-4-All's are going to set you back the princely sum of R264.50 (vat inc)...imho, a complete bargain! Impressed how it's fairly much the same price in euros as rands.

        Honestly, it's a no brainer purchase and I'll harshly say, if you don't have a set of plugs, you don't have any brains if you don't get a set...?

        Feel free to email them at smp@noiseclipper.co.za or call at +27 (0) 12 349 0700 to find your nearest stockist (if you are not in PTA).

        I'm hoping to get the gear junkie to stock 'em...

        Thanks @guidothepimmp for the link!

        I just picked up a set of the Fit-4-All music, was hoping to get them before the jam on Saturday but no such luck. Looking forward to testing them in anger.

        • V8 likes this.

        Got me a cheapy set of silicon plugs for Garage Day and they worked like a charm. Will invest in a proper set sometime though.

        • V8 likes this.
        • V8 replied to this.

          Lu22 Curious to hear what yeti thinks of his new variphones - my one complaint of mine is that they are a bit muffled across the spectrum (good for cutting the piercing highs of cymbals and guitars - but bass and vocals suffered), you feel the bass instead of hearing. I got used to sitting on me bass amp at rehearsals.

          • Yeti replied to this.

            V8 I've spent a fair amount of time on industrial sites wearing disposable and cheap reusable plugs. One thing that struck me about these is that they preserved the mids and highs to a far greater extent (although this may equally be a lower cut overall). I found it a lot easier to hold a convention in them than what I'm used to.
            I haven't tried them outside of a household environment yet so I can't really comment beyond that. Guess I'll get back to you after the next garage days.

            • V8 likes this.
            12 days later

            I've had a set of the Vaters for a while now, also come with a little metal container... They live in the pedal box for my line 6 POD HD500X. I recently jammed a short gig with a drummer on an acoustic set and the first time he hit the snare I popped them in because the snare shots actually cause me a level of discomfort (almost pain) in my ear holes.

            I also always wear them to live music events too. I like being able to walk away from the concert without having "fuzzy" hearing.

            19 days later

            V8 Alternatively a some friends are using Thunderplugs and I've not heard any complaints (pun intended). But oddly, I can't find a local stockist, The Gear Junkie did have - i'll update if I can find them. They were reasonably priced (around R200/set)

            It seems that Thundercloud Music stock these for R220.00/set:

            And you can add me to the horror stories. Ruptured left eardrum 40 years ago when some bloke shot a pistol next to me. As ignorant as I was (still am sometimes), I carried on with loud music and shooting without any protection for years. So, I have constant tinnitus for the last 20 years (it was intermittent before), loss of some frequencies, "fuzzy" hearing even after going to a louder restaurant or shopping center. It seems to be getting worse with age too. Now, I take ear protection even when going to the Music and Guitar Expo.

            Thank you for this discussion/reminder and I hope younger people take note.

            Zorand It seems that Thundercloud Music stock these for R220.00/set:

            Nice find, thanks!

            Zorand I carried on with loud music and shooting without any protection for years

            OMG...on the range w/o plugs? Sheesh, that hurts just thinking about it.

            Zorand Thank you for this discussion/reminder and I hope younger people take note.

            Likely they won't - though, if old farts (like me) bang on about it enough and makes it easy to find a decent set, we might save a eardrum or two. ?

              Oh yes, I was so stupid. I really hope the younger generation listen.
              "Always use ear protection - and sunscreen!"
              Old fart No.2

              • V8 likes this.
              16 days later

              I came up old school and for years we never wore ear plugs. The louder one's Marshall, the better the tone. The result.....my ears are screwed. And yes....cymbals will kill your ears. Why is it that when a guitar player goes over to the drummer and jumps up on the riser to pull some stage moves .......and you shove your head over the rack toms ......that's when drummers will always start smashing on the damned crash cymbals?

              Anyway....my tinnitus is off the charts. It drives me crazy sometimes. Left ear sounds like a machine shop all the time...and hurts sometimes too. Between that and several gunshots in close proximity to my head, plus military training....they never handed out hearing pro at the firing range back then. So my tinnitus and general hearing loss is bad. And any kind of Sativa makes it infinitely worse.

              Don't let it happen to you. The hearing loss. The sativa....more power to ya! And hearing damage will screw you even when listening on headphones.......gets the tinnitus screaming again. So that goes out the window.

              Even now I can't stand plugs in my ears when I'm playing though. I gotta try going back to my Hearo's or something better. The foam one's work well for attenuation but unfortunately they kill all the frequencies I need to hear. But like I rehearsed Saturday and my ears are going off deluxe, even now. I put some of those rough foam one's in but ended up pulling them 1/2 way out and even then it was like I had a dish rag stuffed down my ear canals. I prefer the smooth foam one's as far as feel but usually just use them in a pinch at work when it gets loud.

              I have a pair of molded ear plugs for shooting that are custom fit to my ears but they kill almost everything.

              Yeah....try avoid hearing damage. It's a real miserable bitch. You might think you are okay and when you are younger you (seemingly) bounce back quicker initially and it might go away. But next thing....if you keep exposing yourself to unnaturally loud noise......it will nail you.

              Take care of yourself.

              4 days later

              Damage comes from everyday life - hammering on a piece of steel, working the angle grinder. (Oh, do use eye protection.) I have mostly used ear protection when shooting, those wax plugs the army handed out surely did not help much (damage does not only happen through the ear canal), but the idea was good. Now, I even protect my ears while hunting. In my case, apart from DIY, motorcycling. Not loud music or such follies. I mostly cruised at below 90 km/h, but the wind noise did get to me. Earplugs would have helped, as would a good helmet.

              At least these days I have constant singing in my ears....