Need a fresh set of ears.
New Demo
Hey bud
Kudos to you for putting your material out there. Well done. Not sure what sort of feedback youre looking for.. here are my thoughts.. hope it helps?
I like the vocal style. Reminds me a bit of Sisters of Mercy. If you could add back up vox to the mix, i think it could enrich the sound.
The percussion was cool.. were those samples?
For me, i think it could benefit the mix to bring the bass out a bit more... it kind of gets lost in the mix in places.
Im not sure if i could here a rhythm guitar or not. I put this down the the shaker sound being so prominent.
The lead guitar toward the end surprised me.. if anything... perhaps a dash less gain?
Did you double track the bass and or the guitars? If not, double tracking using slightly different tones could make them bigger sounding. If you did... then as above.. just a notch up on the vol to bring them to the fore a bit more.
Good stuff.. i like it. Well done again
- Edited
That's exactly what I need to hear. Interesting idea on double bass tracking, didn't think of that. Thanks.
Yes looped samples.
Great work Studmissile. I'm feeling it.
My notes:
1. Structure
- Intro is long. Today's listener has a very short attention span. The drop should ideally happen by Bar 7 (when shaker comes in).
- Speaking of the drop... it can be heavier. I would use a percussion event (e.g. splash cymbal) to announce the 1 beat of that bar, and bring the shaker in at that point - to accompany the vocal - not earlier.
- There is room for taking the song up one notch about 3/4 through - if you feel like it. The song doesn't need it, but it will be fun (e.g. full drumkit and crunchy rhythm guitar). Nevertheless, the tune is classy as it stands.
- Mix:
- A cleaner, stronger piano will probably add value (think Bruce Hornsby). That probably also implies pulling back on the strings/pad sustain chords to give the piano room to breathe.
- The congas can be softer. I suspect that it will still work as it does.
-The guitar tone feels forced. Something more organic/natural sounding perhaps? - I had to really stretch my ears trying to listen to the lyrics in the first part of the song. The vocal pronunciation seem vague - but it gets better throughout the song.
You'll notice only "negative feedback"... That's because I love everything else about the song. Overall, it grew on me over the 5-6 times I've listened to it. I'm already humming it. ?
Thanks Jazzman105, I was dreading "intro's too long", I think I did fall in love with it.
Some fair points. Appreciate all the feedback.