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  • See Steve Vai's entire guitar collection!

Check out the full collection on Vai.com here - Be patient...there's 400 or so guitars to load!

Steve Vai has unveiled a comprehensive library of every guitar he has ever owned, now available for viewing on Vai.com.

The instruments, which number in the hundreds, are categorized by type, in categories such as “Ibanez Jem,” Pre-Jem,” “Strats,” “SG’s,” “Fan-Built,” “Multi Necks,” “Sold or Gifted,” and so on. Each is featured in an entry that includes a photo and background information on the guitar, as well as trivia and other facts when available.

Also, you can read the Guitar World article on his collection here

Each guitar comes with a bit of blub, some spec and a pic...here's some eye candy!

What was he thinking?

7 string jazz machine!

When two is better than one?

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