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So I just got my Black Friday looper deal from Raru. Excited to play with it.

But here's the thing, I really want to lay some bass, then switch guitars and add more layers. How should I do it? I don't have a bass amp but I have a BR-600 that I think would work quite well for this.


    I've done that a little through my code. It didn't love the bass but coped fine with the volume low. It's probably not great for it but I just plugged it straight into the looper then swapped it out for the guitar.

    in other news, turns out looping is hard. ?

    You want a A/B/Y selector pedal - switch between two instruments or two amps. Useful tool!




    Though it would be nice if Boss let you bridge the outputs A+B so you plug guitar into input A mono and bass into input B and have the option to bridge output A&B to one amp...

    Yeti n other news, turns out looping is hard. ?

    I'm waiting for a S.O.S from Norio...? There IS a trick to it. You HAVE to play through the entire bar...think about a simple 8 count -> 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and - where peeps loose it is that you end the LOOP when the count repeats at one - most rush and don't play the last and fully and end the LOOP too soon (or wait to hear the one and end the LOOP too late).

    Practice with a drum loop and then when you are getting the drum loop repeating nicely (P.s. it'll never be 100% perfect) then try with guitar/bass/etc.

    Yep looping is hard! But fun too! My fingers hurt if that's any indication ?

    I was doing the "not playing the final and" thing but then I got it. Stuck with playing some basic "House of the Rising Sun" rhythm and then noodling over it. Fun!

    One bummer is not being able to easily switch between distortion and back without affecting the loop. I'll have to break out a distortion pedal and put it before the looper. Haven't used one pretty much since I got this micro terror amp.

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      Thanks for that info and those links Meron! Methinks I should get one of those doohickeys

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        NorioDS I was doing the "not playing the final and" thing but then I got it. Stuck with playing some basic "House of the Rising Sun" rhythm and then noodling over it. Fun!

        Fun, HOTRS is a fav for jams! Cutting a good loop is a skill,..I've not yet the bravery to do it live. Took more than a few takes to get it working for the megadeth thing we did earlier in the year.

        NorioDS Methinks I should get one of those doohickeys

        I had one for a two amp setup - but sold it with one of the amps. Secondhand they're cheap! Alternatively you can get a BOSS LS2 line selector, but that's a little more expensive

        V8 Secondhand they're cheap!

        Hmm maybe I should keep my eyes open for one secondhand then. Thanks for that tip!

        V8 Took more than a few takes to get it working for the megadeth thing we did earlier in the year.

        I can only imagine! That stuff was hard all by itself ? Add a looper and... ?

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