WANTED: Ibanez RG655 or RG550 or RG1450 or RG1550 (or simillar)
Or even an RG3250MZ... however rare they are!
7 days later
Still looking... anybody? "krik krik" :-P
10 days later
12 days later
a month later
@daveo1977 Hi Dave, thanks a mil for the heads-up, I did infact see that one, and although it is definitely a killer guitar, I am specifically looking for the scratchplate/pickgaurd look... But thank you nonetheless, I appreciate it!
RG550 in eye searing yellow...goddamn it. I likes it. =D
Raru had a special on these recently - IIRC it was under 10k new. Didn't think it was much of a discount until I saw the normal RRP...16k!
Yeah, apparently the next RG550 shipment is only coming in 3rd quarter of 2019 ? That's a long time... so if anybody hears of a stray 550 that needs a home, please shout!
16 days later