So you bought a new, shiny guitar, and now your old one's sitting in the corner collecting dust. You've daydreamed of smashing it to bits in a fueled rage to your favorite hardcore song, but you just can't bring yourself to ruin your run-down favorite. Instead of throwing it away, why not upcycle it into something great? We've listed 10 ways to put that old guitar to use and create something that will rock your room.
A Sanchez guitar would be perfect for these projects. ?
I quite liked the guitar case table : and the speaker box :
I reckon I'd go for two guitars, mounted on bases with one speaker each - think that would look great. Would be a interesting experiment to find out if the interior is a decent acoustic space for speakers...maybeeee?
Hmm, the guitar shelf post from altpress is missing - so here's a easy vid. A bit rough, but you'll get the general idea