Update time!! Yeah, finally!
So first and foremost a HUGE shoutout to @Tuckstir for hooking me up with the scratchplate. This was a headache of note that he simply sorted out without any fuss. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I received the scratchplate via postnet and immediately set out to finally get the guitar wired and playable. I went with the same ‘weathered’ theme of the hardware and, after doing some testing, came up with this idea:
Next up was the wiring. I called in the help of my eldest to assist with the soldering – he loves tinkering with circuit boards and builds little radios etc, so he has WAY more experience in soldering than I do. He simply took it in his stride soldering all the bits of pieces while I tried to figure out the wiring diagram.
Everything works!! Tested the pickups on the amp (with a screwdriver) and they both emit sound and the 3 way switch works just fine. I will only get strings today or tomorrow, so that will be the REAL test.
SO......without further delay, here then is the completed guitar!
I shall from now on refer to it as the copperstrat…. Or coppercaster….. or Stratocopper…..or……
I am very satisfied with the end product. ? Opinons? Like? Dislike?
Thanks to everyone's advise, comments, ideas and opinions. This Forum Rocks!