Righty Oh. I made some progress over the weekend. Finally. I decided to go with a two-colour option, just to spice things up a bit.
I got ‘cherry red’ and ‘light oak’ stains that I added as below. The idea being to go with the natural laminate lines and not ‘square’ or symmetrical or anything like that.
So I started with the red and was happy with the way things were progressing. I found a few places that the red simply did not want to penetrate – little scuff marks and, possibly, places where the original finish may not have come off properly. (I’ll deal with these later).
I then did the oak colour and found that my technique of using a cloth and sponge was working well, until my wife pointed out that most of the colour was going into the cloth. (face palm) She (brilliantly) then applied a layer with a small paint brush and the immediate colour pop was AMAZING. Needless to say, the photos don’t show that. I am hoping it will pop when the final oil/sealant is applied.
Before Brush
After Brush
So that’s where we are now, Hope to update soon. Tru-oil has been ordered and should be here within the week.
Lots of refinements to do, straighten lines and what not, but at least the body has some colour!