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  • What's the result of daily 6-8 hour practice in a year?

Im 16 years old but im about to turn 17 in this september,in this year.I started to taking guitar and singing lesson and my vocal coach told me that in a year i will have a good singing voice so i kept the vocal lessons but didn’t play the guitar for a while but i decided that to pick up my guitar again but im stressed now because i feel that i wasted a couple time and i really need to catch up because...i became old and my elder brother always tell me"for fuck sake,you're about to turn 17 in this year,you're a kid!" Lol.My target in a year is that to to play some Bullet For My Valentine,Ghost,Trivium and Iron Maiden(maybe albums).

    With that much practise you will easily play that man.

    Welcome by the way.. and remember to learn beyond just metal. You might sneer at the thought now.. but when youre 40 youll thank me ?

    Good luck and post pics

      @MattHorsemam123 At 16-17 you still young and still a kid , and if you can practice for that many hours daily go for it, you'll be playing like a rock star in no time flat
      don't just concentrate on one style though become more rounded.. you'll be surprised at how fun playing slayer finger picking style becomes...( I know this because that's exactly what this die hard metal head old timer is doing at the moment in his guitar lessons...) and how Metallica is designed for Travis picking,

      Howzit Matt and welcome to the forum. Please introduce yourself and post some pics of your guitar! This is a non negotiable forum rule ?

      Dude, if you can manage to practice just 2 hours a day you will by flying up and down the fretboard in no time! Just make sure you 'organise' your practice routine. Don't only noodle - although that also helps, but have a plan! One day scales, one day chords, one day arpeggio's etc. (or whatever you like)

      Check out the monthly competitions as well. These are 'designed' (not really) to let you explore other styles, techniques and sounds. Very cool!

      Good luck with the journey man!

        daveo1977 Ohhh,. nice find @daveo1977! Don't be surprised to find this article in a upcoming newsletter... ?

        Practicing mindfully and correctly is much more important than simply racking up mindless hours of practice time.

        Is exactly what I was gonna say (along with a good few other points he makes).

        @MattHorsemam123 Rather than practise everything, practise what you'll know you'll use, in a structured fashion. You've a goal of playing djenty/metal flavoured bands - so I'd think you'd want to have a solid picking technique (alternate picking, economy picking) and a good feel (note duration/timing).

        Something like the Rockshcool curriculum is cool because you'll be exposed to a variety of information in a structured format - though not all of it you'll use - which is where a teacher comes in useful for directing your efforts.

        Having said that...there is a certain amount of patience needed to play an instrument - be prepared to re-assess your goals as you go along. Not that they are not achievable, but maintaining motivation is important - If it ain't fun, (at least occasionally) you ain't gonna do it.

        My most important tip - get jamming with people. Both in the genre's you are focussed on and outside that - Music is far wider topic than guitar or one genre of music.

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