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Agreed about capacity, it's always a sticking point. And it's worse if you turn people away and then someone who has RSVP'd doesn't pitch.

    Hasie Please not that day. I would love to attend, but it's my dad's 60th birthday that day.

    Seeing as this was started specifically as a response to your thread, I'd hate for you to miss out. Let's make a plan ?

    Reply here with some more suitable Saturdays (but please provide 3-4 weeks of practise time between the announcement and the day) and we'll change it to one of those.

    @slowpoet I don't know those songs very well (I've never learned to play them, I mean) so what do you reckon? 2 weeks? 4 weeks? Given everyone's other responsibilities in life?

    Thanks folks! This is gonna be fun!

      I think 3-4 weeks is best. The first 2 songs I put are easy to learn, but as you say, people have other commitments.

        Yeh ive been there. Its basically a single garage storage locker. I guess 3 by 4 or 5m. Greg obviously made arrangements with the place because he built an elevated area toward the back which is where the drums are. When i say elevated.. i mean higjer than 1m. Maybe even 1.5m.

        It would be a tight squeeze for more than 5 people i would say. No where really to sit.. so i suggest taking camping chairs and things.

        We need a final decision on date (28 July or 4 August) and is the venue confirmed? Thanks.

        I should be able to finish lyrics/chords tonight.

          I can't make 4 August (and I'll be the one opening and closing methinks). So I'm gonna say 11 August.

          I'm securing the venue now with Greg.

          Thanks for whipping me into gear @slowpoet! ?

          • V8 likes this.

          guidothepimmp Greg also recommended the fold-up chairs. @slowpoet could we add that to the event notices?

          The venue is pretty much confirmed. I just need to organise picking up keys, etc. I'm also checking with Greg about the times we're allowed to be there. Any recommendations there @slowpoet? We have the place for 3 hours. So we could do from 9am till 12pm (and then folks go for lunch) or after lunch. Maybe 1pm till 4pm? Or is evening better? I have no experience with planning these things ?

            Afternoon is definitely the best for most people. I will update the notice with the chairs and I also want to change one song and add one more.

            slowpoet Thanks!

            Ok so: 12pm till 3pm, or 3pm till 6pm. Probably the former as the latter means getting home a tad late maybe.

            Looks like this is taking shape. HUGE thanks to you @slowpoet! (You might get 100 more "thank yous" from me before this is done. I'm really awful at organising events and appreciate all the work you're putting into this ?)

            There is a Dros close to Silverton if peeps would like to have a beer afterwards. There may be other places nearby as well, but I think Greg will be able to guide us more on that in the area.
            A bit further is Zappa's and also Arcade Empire(they sometimes have live music)

              Guitar Talk is putting together a 3 hour garage play together session on 11 August in Silverton. It will run from noon to 3PM.

              How it works is: everyone practices the songs listed and then we get together and practise and play them. We will also try a few others on the fly, so to speak.

              The songs to practice are
              What's Up? - 4 Non Blondes
              Down on the Corner - Creedence Clearwater Revival
              Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen - Finger picking plus simple strumming
              TNT - AC/DC

              NOTE: We'd love to see some non-guitar instruments, especially bass or drums. But almost anything could contribute - perhaps not bagpipes, though. :-)

              We will provide lyrics sheets and chords as well as the address details when you RSVP. We are asking for R20 donation per person to go towards the cost of the venue (pay on the day)

              NOTE: At the venue there is
              2x10 bass amp
              2 4x12 guitar cabs
              PA system with 2 mics
              Drumkit (bring own cymbals)
              There are no chairs, so please bring a camping stool or similar if you wish to sit down.

              Beginners and vocalists VERY, VERY welcome.

              RSVP with Adrian (slowpoet) on adrianvan@mac.com

              The space only allows for 7 people, so please don't RSVP if you're not sure you can make it.

              Please email to RSVP so that I have your email address and can send your words/chords/links etc.

                Awesome sauce guys!! Man I wish I lived in PTA for this!
                Please do lots of vids and pics of the event. Maybe we can duplicate it in other cities.
                Have fun!

                  slowpoet This looks great, thanks man!

                  Gonna add it to this week's newsletter.

                    Bookings so far (XXXX means I don't know the handle on GuitarTalk)

                    William Beetge - Bass, vocals - XXXX
                    Adrian van der Merwe - Rhythm - slowpoet