Nice one, thanks @Tuckstir
Installed and had a quick look. Lots to like about this at first glance. Very similar to slowmp3.jar I use - with a helluva lot more polish to it.
Worth USD35?...not when slowmp3 is free. But as a free desktop app it's great.
Using scuttle buttin as a example :
BPM detection is good (161 detected vs 160 actual). It doesn't pick up the lick starting on the and BUT does a very good job of detecting the rest and looping in time - so you still have to use the ears, but it's a lot easier to find a loop. The looping of sections is simple and locked to beats detected - I like that a LOT.
Chord detection is also good - got the root notes correct - but the 'flavours' of chords not-so-much. (B7#9 was seen as Bm or G#m). Though to be fair, SRV mixes up the root note on this chords as he goes along - so it's still getting the root notes right.
Jam Master & Chord Viewer are intuitive, though Riff Builder is gonna take some time to figure out - I'm guessing you can deconstruct a song into riffs or a riff into notes - I"m not entirely sure yet.