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A USA Custom 2 piece that I built up a few years ago if anyone is looking for an amazing Strat body that I actually gigged recorded and played with for a good few years.

Was a premium selection for a 2 piece and its incredibly resonant. I have a one piece now and will never build another so this one must go.

To replace her will be well over R3K

Yours for R500

Locking nuts included. Bonus score

  • V8 replied to this.

    brentcgp Gawd....that is LOVELY!

    I'm gonna keep a eye on this!

      @brentcgp - where you based? I just poked my mate who might have a neck that'll fit...

        Hi v8 long time. Im in Cape Town now. Will be in Pretoria Joburg in 2 weeks before I fly out to the UAE. Let me know

        • V8 likes this.
        • V8 replied to this.

          brentcgp Coool, I'm checking with him now - likely we're keen though - will keep you updated.

          7 days later

          HI gents

          Body is provisionally sold. Will be off to a lucky man in Durban tomorrow ??

          • V8 likes this.
          • V8 replied to this.

            brentcgp Yeah, I didn't manage to convince my mate. Pity! Good luck with the rest of the sales & the journey ?

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