Got questions about how to enter the 24-Hour Riff Challenges? Ask here!
How does it work?
You have 24 hours to record your best (ORIGINAL) riff/lick/hook on one guitar only.
You can record on a phone, on a Mac, in your studio, whatever.
Electric, acoustic, bass, ukelele, whatever.
Lead, rhythm, melody, whatever.
As SOON as your riff is ready...
- Upload it to your account on SoundCloud. Name it like: 24-Hour Riff Challenge - <Theme> -
- Add a link to THIS discussion in the SoundCloud description.
- Reply here with the SoundCloud link.
- Voting starts as soon as the first post is in. Likes on your post count as votes in the competition.
Voters can win too.
All voters get entered into a (random) draw to win a prize as well. You only have 24-hours to vote. And all you do to vote is click "like" on the entry you like best on the forum. (Not on SoundCloud, although you're welcome to like there too!)
- 24 hours
- 1 instrument (guitar/bass/ukelele/etc)
- 1 awesome riff
- Original riffs ONLY
Prizes are announced on each challenge's thread.
Entry open and close times are announced on each challenge's thread.
Got questions? Ask here ?