I am looking for some help regarding skills needed to get to my musical goals. So here goes:
My goal is to become a decent/proficient lead player. I also would like to play my own rhythm sections. As far as Lead goes, this will include creating my own solos as well as play the melody of songs. Currently, I am basically doing what I think I need to do but without clear direction, I am not so sure what I am doing is actually adding value to where I eventually want to get to. I am concentrating on rhythm playing (Strumming, finger picking and a combination of the two), scales (not sure how to make this one interesting), fredboard knowledge and lead techniques (hammer on, pull off, slide ext.)
What I need direction in:
- What skills do I need?
- How do I setup a decent practice schedule? (I have about 1 to 2 hours a day)
I am aware that I need a tutor, but that is unfortunately not on the cards at this point in time. That is why I was hoping that you guys will be able to point me in the right direction. I have a lot of books, but without direction, they also do not help a lot. Speaking of books, I did decide on two which I am currently working through. They are:
Progressive guitar method: Finger picking
Progressive guitar method: Lead
As and when I get stuck with a specific idea or topic, I revert to YouTube to see if I can get clarity, now that helps a lot of the time, but again without clear direction...
Up to now, I have learned a lot from the forum members with various posts and topics, but I do feel that it has become time to get a lot more focused.
If anyone wants to discuss this off-line, I can supply my email address to you.