So my Egnater Tweaker has started acting up and I've not been unable to pin it down. It will randomly lose volume (sometimes it sounds like a blanket's thrown over the amp, other times all the volume goes). When I switch the amp to standby it crackles/fizzes for a couple of seconds. Switch it back to the play setting and volume/sound is back.
I've cleaned out all input/tube sockets and switches. It's also not linked to temperature / how long the amp's been on. I've also swapped tubes. I've had it to a local amp tech twice who's apparently gone over to completely twice with nothing awry.
It's not the simplest amp on the inside and because I imported it, most tech's won't have seen a similar one.
I need a recommendation for a dependable tech in TC to give me a second opinion please.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.