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Firstly, this is actually an answer to a previous post "Where does music end?" as well as a counter question to that post.

So, What Is Music... Exactly?

There have been many definitions and even more articles on this phenomenon called Music that it would be unwise of me to attempt yet another definition, so, what I'm offering instead is the brainchild of David M. Greenberg, Ph.D. a music psychologist at the University of Cambridge and City University of New York, and a visiting researcher at the Autism Research Centre. His research examines musical behavior at the intersection of personality, social, and cognitive science.
Viz https://www.psychologytoday.com/experts/david-m-greenberg-phd

Here are some extracts you may find useful from the title: What Is Music... Exactly?:

"Start with a simple vibration.

Music is essential to many of our lives. We listen to it when waking up, while in transit, at work, and with our friends. For many, music is like a constant companion. It can bring us joy and motivate us, accompany us through difficult times, and alleviate our worries.

Music is much more than mere entertainment. It has been a feature of every known human society—anthropologists and sociologists have yet to find a single culture throughout the course of human history that has not had music. In fact, many evolutionary psychologists today make the argument that music predated language. Primitive tribes and religious practices have used music to reach enlightened states for thousands of years, and Pythagoras used music to heal different psychological and physical ailments. Currently, cutting-edge scientific research has shown the effect that music has on the brain, the individual, and society.

Not only does music reach us on intellectual, social, and emotional levels, but many describe it as spiritual or mystical. The use of melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic devices in music can induce a psychological state in both the musicians and the listener that is beyond words to describe. Music can bring us back to ourselves, be our mirror, and show us a side of us we may have long forgotten or never knew existed.

Even though we are constantly exposed music in our daily lives, we rarely stop to actually think about what it is. After all, what exactly is music?

Fundamentally, music is a combination of sounds, and sound is vibration. One of the most succinct definitions of music comes from the Italian composer Ferruccio Busoni, who said that, “Music is sonorous air.” It's extraordinary to think that a simple vibration unseen by the human eye can facilitate a deeply rich emotional experience, alter perception and consciousness, and induce ecstatic states of being. What is the process by which these sonic vibratory frequencies are heard by the listener, creating a profound psychological experience for them? How does something as fleeting as "sonorous air" have such a healing and therapeutic effect on people? And how does it facilitate personal growth?

In this series, titled "The Power of Music," we will explore these questions in detail by reporting on the latest cutting edge research on music, interviewing musicians, scientists, therapists, and spiritual leaders about their work with music, and digging up ancient texts and musical practices. We will bring in ideas and experiences from a wide spectrum of perspectives to see if there is some underlying thread that can be found. The intention is not to take away from the mystery of music, but rather to increase our understanding and appreciation of it so that we can use and experience it to the fullest. A greater understanding of the powers of music can inform how it can be used for the benefit of individuals, societies, and those in need.

And also from the title: The World’s First Music Therapist - An account from over two thousand years ago

As a musician and someone who studies the psychology of music, a topic of great interest to me is the historical origins of music therapy. When was music first used as a method of healing, and who was the first to do it? As it turns out, the origins of music therapy trace back much further than is commonly thought.

Music therapy as it is recognized today, is still a relatively young field when compared to other disciplines. In fact, the American Music Therapy Association (the largest music therapy organization in the world) cites the earliest reference of music therapy to a 1789 article in Columbian Magazine titled “Musically Physically Considered” (http://www.musictherapy.org/about/history/). It took over a hundred years after that for the first educational and training program and national association in music therapy to be established in the 1940’s and 50’s.

However, music has actually been used as a therapy for thousands of years. I had initially thought that the earliest account of music therapy was from the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (c. 570 – c. 495 BC), who would prescribe different musical scales and modes to cure different physical and psychological ailments. But there’s an even earlier account and it came from a source that I did not initially anticipate.

One morning this past December I received a call from my friend and teacher Yitzhak Buxbaum. Yitzhak is a 73-year-old Jewish author and maggid (spiritual teacher) who has written 11 books including Jewish Spiritual Practices (https://www.amazon.com/Jewish-Spiritual-Practices-Yitzhak-Buxbaum/dp/156...).

Unknowing that the day on which he called was actually my birthday, Yitzhak said, “I have a great gift for you”. He told me to look up I Samuel Chapter 16 in Prophets. He said, “This will give you the answer you are looking for”. Since I had never read the book of Prophets before, I rushed to the nearest book store and bought my first complete Jewish bible. I quickly scurried through the pages to find the verses Yitzhak told me to look up.

The verses told the story of King Saul who had become tormented by a feeling of melancholy. Saul’s servants suggested that they find a musician who could play for him to soothe his psyche. One of the servants suggested a young man named David who he heard was a skilled musician. Saul was in agreement and so the servants went to find the young David and brought him to King Saul. It then says the following: “And it happened that whenever the spirit of melancholy from God was upon Saul, David would take the lyre (harp) and play it. Saul would then feel relieved and the spirit of melancholy would depart from him” (I Samuel, 16:23).

Here before my very eyes, was one of the first accounts of music therapy. David was able to cure King Saul’s depression through music. About a week later I saw Yitzhak in-person—he waved at me with a smirk and paper in his hand. The paper was a passage from a book by the highly regarded scholar Robert Alter called The David Story: A translation with commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel. In the commentary, Alter writes in reference to the servants suggestion of a musician to King Saul: “what they have in mind is a kind of music therapist”.

Thus, before David became a great warrior and King, he was first a music therapist. But, there remain many questions: How did King Saul’s servants know to suggest a musician? Who taught David how to play music? And what kind of music did David actually play to heal Saul?

In reference to the last question, though the harp/lyre can be played upbeat and rhythmically, we might assume that the music David played was soft and gentle, which is suitable for the harp/lyre. Indeed, when the scene is depicted visually in several movies—including “King David” (1985) starring Richard Gere—David is depicted playing a song that matches King Saul’s mood: slow in tempo with a feeling of longing, sadness and emotional depth.

There is even scientific evidence from the past several years to show how sad music can be consoling and soothing. My team published a study in 2015 (http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0131151) showing how preferences for music with emotional depth and sadness is linked to empathy levels—Dr. Jonna Vuoskoski at Oxford has found similar results. And Dr. David Huron at Ohio State University provides a compelling neurobiological hypothesis on why sad music is soothing. He suggests that for some, when listening to sad music, the hormone prolactin is secreted. Prolactin produces feelings of tranquility and calmness, and emits a consoling and soothing effect. It is released in ‘psychic’ tears of both happiness and sadness, it is released during nursing, after sexual intercourse, and when we feel empathy for someone who is sad. Huron says that the acoustic features of sad music “emulate” the features of sad speech, and that these musical cues may evoke feelings of tenderness or sadness which sends a signal for prolactin to be released.

The healing powers of music are vast, and we see evidence dating back thousands of years of how music has been used therapeutically. Indeed, there are accounts of music therapy in Judaism and other traditions including Sufism and Hinduism that may even predate King David (for example, the account of the 7-year-old Serach Bat Asher who took Jacob out of a 22-year depression by playing a melody repeatedly while he was praying). Regardless of whether you (the reader) believes or not if the events in religious texts are historically accurate, there is little to argue that at the time in which they were written, music was thought of as a therapeutic modality. In the thousands of years since then, music has co-evolved with the human brain, and people have been intuitively using music as a self-therapy and therapy for others. Thus, our brains are hardwired to experience music as a therapeutic agent, and it should be the mission of today’s musicians, music therapists and psychologists to continue to master the use of this healing modality, that began thousands of years ago."

Here is an interesting book extract:

What Is Music?
William Arms Fisher
The Musical Quarterly
Vol. 15, No. 3 (Jul., 1929), pp. 360-370

For those who are interested in some of the Definitions of the word Music, here are some references:


Thank you for reading!
    Holy wall of text, Batman!
      Music - emotional balm. Successful artists obviously read the audience at the gig/party and adapt the songs played as well as the style to the ambient mood, or even to influence the mood. Party hotting up? Play lively popular music. Crowd getting mellow? Play softer, moodier songs. I had a chance to do this type of thing recently. After a wedding reception some tensions were running high, and discussions continued. At two o'clock, I could have gone to sleep (not my fight), but my wife and I were supporting our frazzled host. I took out the nylon string, cornered myself on the veranda, and softly played for the next two hours, leaving the others to discuss matters. My host appreciated it, my wife says she thinks it helped.

      Therapy, sometimes you listen to loud music, sometimes you listen to gentler stuff. But music is good medicine, well, the stuff I listen to anyway....
        2 months later
        I think the ancient Indian philosophy on mantra, explains music too.

        Mantra is usually known to people as religious so straight up disclaimer NO RELIGIOUS STUFF to follow. I believe in a more scientific approach. If we go way back into ancient books, the word on those streets was that, in any circumstance, vibrational frequencies created by the vocal chords, stringed or percussive instruments, could be called music.

        But they took the concept further, they believed that (and now I'm touching on ancient alien stuff which is actually just an ancient culture now lost to history) - the brain was nothing more than an infinite amount of intersecting and corresponding frequencies. Frequencies at their root being vibrations - and if you knew how, you could rewire the brains frequency for a desired affect. (And they knew very well)

        In most cases of the general population the frequencies shooting off in the brain are all over the place and they believed this is what caused a relentless and overactive mind, not just that but things like psychological disorders too (depression and melancholy)

        They held that,

        If you placed specific vibrational frequencies (musical notes) in an harmonic relationship to one another, and you played it with a constant modulation, you could basically direct and manipulate your brains frequencies. Not only the brain but the heart too.. They saw the heart as a pump, but a percussive instrument too, and it reverberates through your body in the form of circulation, you can influence your hearts rhythm with music too, and that in turn will affect your circulation. Circulation is important for health but it's also important for hypnotic trances, or... Those moments where you get so sucked into what you're doing you forget about the world. - this is due to increased focus on one subject (the music you're playing) a calm heart, pumping blood slower, which delivers less oxygen to the brain, and oxygen being the crucial element for combustion, the brain receives less "combustion" and in turn, stops working as much, allowing you to zero in on what you're doing. (Yogis call it "one pointedness" which is merely unbroken concentration upon one subject only)

        Specific musical notes were known to cause specific physiological responses in the human organism, it was then believed that, because the human body at whole was nothing more than corresponding vibrational relationships on an atomic level, you would essentially be reprogramming your very being.

        Your body and your mind, what this has to do with health is significant because in psychology we find that philosophers such as Plato, Socrates and even da Vinci. All believed disease was in fact dis-ease in the human organism, either on a physical level or mental level.

        This concept spans back to didgeridoos too, and the playing of music would absolutely have an affect on all those witnessing it, because it is causing a disturbance in the vibrational frequencies around around us.

        You can Bend musical notes just like you can bend light, the latest Nobel piece prize winners in astronomy were winners because they proved the entire cosmos is nothing more than a massive vibrating thing, and all vibrations can be manipulated.

        So clearly music, is as old as the cosmos and that is evident in the recordings of "saturns rings, sing"

        Vibrations from music and their healing power, should be scientific and not superstitious. When real scientists with real incredible equipment begin making investigations into these phenomena we can strip away superstition and mythology and look into real things.

        There are texts of ancient India having weapons which, created shockwaves from musical noise which could devastate an entire army. Rupture their organs and completely obliterate the most intense defense systems. Other accounts speak of strange "instrumental tools" which would produce a piercing sound and move unimaginably heavy objects by the coordination of the tool operators desires"

        Now how can we believe a bunch of stone throwing cave men would make such fantastic stories up? Purely for fun, these dudes couldn't apparently invent fire until lightning made it, so how did they come up with stories, I wouldn't have even thought of for the grandest novel?

        Haha maybe it's better we don't go too deep into the real possibilities of manipulating vibrational frequencies. Perhaps it has something to do with us having no trace or idea of who they were other than a few unexplainable things scattered around the world.

        Till then I shall sit back and soak in the soothing feelings of a string courtet backing a solo guitarist. ?
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