Pirate wrote:
East-Randers Unite! Boksburger here...
Welcome to the forum, and to the Guitarist Master Race! Keep practicing and you'll be awesome enough in no time, that is until you see the next guitarist. Then keep practicing and you'll get awesome again... until you see the next guitarist. Then keep practicing... I feel like I'm repeating myself... LOL ?
Seriously, have fun. I had the worst and the best gigs in a long time all in 1 weekend. But it's the inner music that makes us, that keeps us going, and that makes us do what we do. Cudos for finally learning guitar. Enjoy the journey, it's a fun one (full of tears, painful fingers, frustration and feelings of awesomeness when you finally nail that riff/solo/chord change/whatever you've been working so hard at).
Hey Thanks
I am enjoying and having fun, and yes at the same time getting frustrated.. needing that patience, finding getting those notes and finger positions just right my undoing,, but I suppose repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition.. wins the day
At the beginning of the year i set some goals... I wouldn't By another Guitar until I got 55% on 5 songs using Rocksmith..
well last night I finally achieved the 5th song above 55%, so I need to save up for my Epiphone, so should get it in Beginning Sept if everything goes according to plan.
Next goal is 10 songs above 75%, of which I already have achieved 2 of those. and that is to get another DIY Kit, as i enjoyed so much building and painting the last one,
So today I'm Feeling Chuffed with myself