GFSA 'Keep it simple' mini challenge.
Use any one guitar-like instrument (guitar, bass, uke, mandolin, banjo, etc...) to create/compose your entry.
Get creative with it - bang out some percussion on your acoustic, slap out a line on your bass and whistle the melody or surprise us with some mad Andy Mckee playing.
Rules for beginners/intermediate/advanced :
All genre's welcomed.
Two instrument tracks and a bonus vocal track (optional). The challenging part is to try and do everything one one instrument.
Tracks to be less than one minute
If you would like to enter, send me an email (v8v8v8 at gmail dot com) by 23:59 pm Sunday 18th June 2017 with :
1. GFSA username.
2. Track name.
3. Category (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
3. Track rendered in mp3.
4. Optional blurb. Anything you might feel is useful to the listener - info about song, studio, recording techniques, etc..
5. Please make sure you have GFSA somewhere in the title of the email - otherwise I might miss your submission.
Annnnddd...don't forget - collaborations are most welcome.
Have fun with it!