Hey everyone
I was given this ELK Viking Bass Amp & Cab a few years ago. I have no use for it, and it takes up quite a bit of space so I'm looking to sell it. However, I don't know much about it, aside from the history I've read online.
The amp makes a kinda hissy scratchy noise, but one that is drowned out somewhat when played. I'm not an expert on such things, so I'm not sure whether the noise comes from the amp or the cab, nor do I have the time, equipment nor inclination to properly investigate it ;)
I'm mostly looking to sell it cheaply to someone who would really like something like this, an old, fairly unusual fixxer-upper, but I have no idea what kinda price one of these would go for. I'd rather sell it for a reduced price to someone who wants to get it fixed / fix it themselves / frankenstein it than get it done myself.
Could anyone give me an indication of a fair price? I don't expect anything unrealistically high, but also don't want to be totally low-balled. Though it needs some TLC it is still a great sounding amp.
If anyone is interested before I list it, I am in Cape Town Southern Suburbs (not gonna courier this thing).
Cheers y'all! 8)