I need to start with a SAP Online Course and currently I'm using an extremely inefficient 100 gig data bundle from Cell C (as a hotspot).
Where can I find a good preferably high speed home wifi deal in Cape Town? Need to be able to watch live online classes and access online servers.
Check if fibre is in your area, if not then check for adsl.
If no fibre and adsl is an issue (my sister had major issues with telkom), then I'd look at one of the wireless providers like wibre or sonic - no cheap alternatives to adsl unfortunately. But probably cheaper than mobile data.
i use sonic wireless in cape town , support is fantastic , and there uncapped prices arent bad at all
Try Webafrica. Great service and very reasonable uncapped prices.
Thanks for the replies. Will contact some service providers today.
How is your cell c connection inefficient?
the problem with ADSL is that if, like me, you could only get a 2mb connection, even though there is apparently 40MB VDSL in the area, then you're stuck. and 2mb is a terribly slow experience.
I use the 200GB CellC connection, I have no idea how it can be inefficient. The first 200gb lasted me around 5 months. and if I needed to download, well, at 6MB per second actual speed, I downloaded 2GB updates in less than 7 minutes.
My 2GB connection would have taken hours. And brought the household to a standstill because of the bottleneck. Now, I don't even know what a bottleneck is anymore.
I have a Telkom uncapped LTE package. The signal is crappy, so I get about 18MB/s. But I stream Netflix in HD in the evenings and on weekends, while my wife Pinterest or facebook away.