This month, we're hitting 88miles per hour, heading back in time to March 2013, when Rene originally hosted the...
Something with Delay Challenge
For all the pedal board/effect junkies, this is where you can jump on board.
There is no limitations on genre or style, but only that your song features delays.
The 4 instrument restriction applies, but if you want to make 3 guitars do something delayed or a full band and only one guitar delay, then that is up to you.
Original Vocals are, of course, always a freebie - samples however will be counted as instruments.
The winning entry should be judged based on:
1) Creativity
2) Originality
3) Its melodic impact (i.e. could you remember the tune after listening to it)
Rules for beginners/intermediate/advanced :
All genre's welcomed.
Max four instruments playing at any one time - Original Vocal track(s) are considered 'free' (doesn't count towards the four instrument limit - however samples will be counted as instruments).
Submissions around 2mins.
If you would like to enter, send me an email (v8v8v8 at gmail dot com) by 23:59 pm Sunday 21st May 2017 with :
1. GFSA username.
2. Track name.
3. Category (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced or Band)
3. Track rendered in mp3.
4. Optional blurb. Anything you might feel is useful to the listener - info about song, studio, recording techniques, etc..
5. Please make sure you have GFSA somewhere in the title of the email - otherwise I might miss your submission.
Good luck, luck, luck....