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  • Guitar
  • LP100 Humbucker in a Blacktop Strat?

Hey guys!

I'm currently on holiday from varsity and have been reunited with my Peavey Classic 30 (too loud for my digs). I've been playing quite a lot these days, and have become a bit unhappy with the bridge pickup in my Blacktop strat.

At home I also have an Epiphone LP100 (Les Paul), and compared to the Strat's bridge pickup, I very much prefer it. I'm looking for a much hotter/rocking sound from my bridge pickup on the strat, but don't necessarily want to buy another pickup unless it were on the cheap. Swapping them around would cost me nothing.

What are the thoughts from y'all? The Blacktop strat has a 5-way selector for the coil-tap functions - I'm assuming I'd lose this option if I put the LP100 humbucker into my strat?

    I don't know specifics of the pickups, but electrically speaking, if you have four conductor wiring on the LP100 pickup you can still wire it for coil splitting in the in between positions
      Thanks for that reply! That's good news. I'm hoping someone might chime in with a view on the possible sound change/improvement too ?
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