Hi guys.
Not sure if this is the correct sub-thread, but I have come across an issue.
Quite often, almost every time, after I have commented on or read a couple of threads, an error occurs that says "sorry Pirate, you are banned from using this forum". This happens when I close a specific thread, post a reply, open a thread... there's nothing I have found that triggers this.
Whenever this happens, I close my browser, and open another instance of any browser. Then I can log in, and browse the forum for another bit until I'm "banned" again. And browsing as a guest does not trigger this error. Closing tabs don't work, I have to refresh the browser. Firefox, Chrome, Tor, Edge and IE all does this. Any ideas? I just got here a few weeks ago, and would hate to think I got banned already... ?
Is it local? Is it forum related? Is it intentional? Or is it one of those funny bugs in the website code/decoding things?
Looking into it now.
Probably one of our far-reaching IP asdress bans affecting you.
It might be fixed now but I'm not sure.
Are you using a VPN, proxy or other tunnel?
I'm not too tech savvy when it comes to browsers/networking. What I do know, is that the local firewall caused a lot of trouble by blocking "forum/social media" browsing. Got this forum allowed, as this update was affected after I joined the forum. VPN is possible, proxy definitely when using Tor (for obvious reasons) but not when using chrome or firefox.
Norio, did you change some setting before you said it should be fixed?
Yep I deleted a bunch of IP bans. It's the only thing I can think of because we're looking for a variable that changes between page-loads.
Another possibility is a network cache. If you're up for a test, try browsing from home or a coffee shop. See if the same thing happens.
If you're able to browse the foru (substantially, ie: like a normal visit) without being blocked, but you're still being blocked at work, then we can at least isolate the problem to your work network.
Hope that helps. Keep me posted if it happens again. (Take a screenshot, please. It might have info in the URL or ban notice that I can use to find the trigger.)
Thanks for the effort, Norio. Will do.
Hey Norio, I thought I'd give some feedback.
I've had the problem come up once again using Tor, but I think it's solved now.
Thanks for your effort! I think the IP bans were what caused the problem.
Awesome glad it's sorted ?