The Great GFSA Dance Challenge
Create a track that shakes our booty. Electronica (House, Techno, Trance, etc...) or Traditional (Irish, Flamenco, etc...), let your creativity flow - perhaps it's a fusion of metal and techno, funk and house or a straight up trance tune with a taste of flamenco. But don't forget this is a guitar forum, so a guitar (or something guitarlike - bass/banjo/sitar/ukulele/etc...) is expected to be in the mix!
SIX instruments playing at any one time - Vocals/samples
DO count towards the six instrument limit.
Submissions around 2mins.
If you would like to enter, send me an email (v8v8v8 at gmail dot com) by 23:59 pm Sunday, 19th February 2017 with :
1. GFSA username.
2. Track name.
3. Category (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
4. Track rendered in mp3.
5. Optional blurb. Anything you might feel is useful to the listener - info about collaboration, song, studio, recording techniques, etc..
6. Please make sure you have GFSA somewhere in the title of the email - otherwise I might miss your submission.
This is a great chance to collaborate with a mate into dj'ng/EDM production... 8)