Almost done with 2016 and we are bidding farewell to 2016 with a Metal bang!
We've got three groups this month :
Beginner/Intermediate : Warrenpridgeon, Doomsower and Richard, Wern101
Advanced : Studmissile, exsanguinator
Band : J-Man (Bulletscript)
Nice one gents, thank you for the entries - good to see a few fresh faces in these parts! Alas, we only had one band entry, but it's a damn fine one and well worth a listen. Treat a vote in the band category as a 'like' ;)
You've got three votes to cast before voting closes on January 3rd, 2017, 07:15am.
[b]Warrenpridgeon - Killer-C[/b]
[i]Used Line 6 POD HD500X into Reaper. Added some VSTI finger drums. First time I've tried to add drums to a song... playing by hand (when you aren't a drummer) is pretty tough! I also tried to add vocals to it.[/i]
[b]Doomsower and Richard -Last second metal [/b][i]
We did this a few hours before the cut-off so it was a bit rushed. All constructive criticism welcome.[/i]
[b]Wern101 - Metal Noodling[/b]
[i]Call it what you will. I tried metal and this came out. Maybe more of a 80's hard rock? I dunno. You decide.
All put together via reaper and using Digitech RP50 Effects pedal with the following settings:
Reaper: Compressor and Reverb added
Lead: Vintage Fuzz Distortion – Level 6
Rhythm: Crunchy tube Combo – Level 5
Drums a la digitech, 80bbm
Global cabinet modelling active as well as Humbucker Pickup simulator.[/i]
[b]Studmissile -Studmetal[/b]
[i]....well metalish?[/i]
[b]exsanguinator - Ethnic Experiment[/b]
[i]A rough demo mix of a new song.
Recorded at home on a very old and faithful Korg D8 multitracker.
Guitars used are an Ibanez RG505 on rhythm and a RG770 on lead,fitted with a brass block.
Both guitars are played through a Digitech GNX4,with different patches, panned mono left/right for rhythm and stereo for lead.
Bass guitar is an Ibanez SB900 played through a Tech21 PSA 1.1
I only use standard A 440hz tuning,very 80's, but tough shit,love it or lump it.
[b]J-Man/Bulletscript -Primodial[/b]
[i]Written by Jacques Hugo for BULLETSCRIPT, recorded at DDM Studios, mixed at Cloud Studios, Mastered by Jocke Skog
(old forum) Poll Results: VOTE : Metal Challenge 2016
- Warrenpridgeon: 4
- Doomsower and Richard: 4
- Wern101: 2
- Studmissile: 3
- exsanguinator: 9
- J-Man/Bulletscript: 7