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  • Intros
  • Intro from new member from overseas

Hi -

Recently moved to Cape Town from UK. Great to have found this forum.

I've been playing classical, jazz, rock, blues, funk, celtic and some flamenco for over 30 years, to professional/semi-pro standard, depending on the genre.

I have done a variety of session work and played solo and in bands in the UK.

I don't have pictures of all my gear, but have 2 electric, 2 steel string and 2 classical guitars, plus multi effects for the electrics.

I also have several years' teaching experience (beginner to advanced, 7 years old to very old), in case anyone is looking for lessons in Cape Town.

Best regards
    Hey. Welcome to GFSA and to South Africa. ?

    Good to have someone with so much experience on board.

    Please share your wisdom in the 'lessons' section, and do consider entering the monthly challenges.

      Many thanks for your warm welcome - and warm weather !
        Indeed, +1
        Enjoy your visits to the forum and please enter, share, ask anything about guitars.
        Looking forward to e-chinwags
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