While I browsed the web about all things recording and studio, the BBE Sonic Maximizer seemed to feature quite often. It's often bundled into the complete home studio kits that are available overseas and I see that they now have a (not cheap) software version of the Maximizer as a VST plugin.
Do any of you guys have experience with it? Is it worthwhile getting?
Its nifty... Ive used it...
It can clear up overdriven tones nicely. I used to to help shape the sound of the guitar so that it fits into the mix better.
Ive never found it to work as well on clean tones.
It will only work if your original signal recorded at a good level.
I've used it and had the oportunity to buy it (actually from someone on here)
The BBE is supposed to enrich extra harmonics into your tone etc blah blah lol.
But what it does (when I use my ears) is suck out the mids and acts as a contour knob on those combo amps.
It's a sorta known fact to not really use it on OD guitars seeing that mids are a biiig factor in the guitar tone. I just avoid using it completely, but if did, I'd probably use it for cleans because I tend to scoop a lot of mids to get it sound smooth. (might work for lead too :-\)