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  • Gear
  • A piece I wrote about the endless Tokai flame-war

This is not intended to restart the war here, but I just wanted to link a piece I wrote about the controversy that launches whenever Tokais or Gibsons get mentioned (never Fender, oddly).

I wrote this to bust some myths and give my take on some of the arguments. I'm sure I'm soon to get my first hate-comments. Can't wait! ?

    Nice and interesting post, thanks for this. That LS150 sure is purdy.
      singemonkey wrote: I'm sure I'm soon to get my first hate-comments.
      No hate going your way (I quite like Tokais and will probably get a Tokai Tele at some stage when a used one crosses my path) but disliking the concept of inter-brand flame wars. It reminds me of the bewildering Toyota vs Land Rover thing. I don't understand the mentality of adults heatedly defending brands and worrying about what other people think about what they buy and make use of.
      US guitars are over-priced and over-rated for the nuts and bolts of what you get but if a guy forks out that kind of money I suppose he needs to justify to all and sundry in order to get full value out of his purchase
        Well written. Being left handed I unfrotuantely don't get the variety one does as a right hander. I have had 2 Tokai's in my life and both have been superlative instruments irrespective of price point. When I started looking for my current Custom (now an LC137 but then a LC120 I think) I had something specific in mind. The Gibson equivalent at the time was 52k locally an I would of had to pay for it upfront (I could of gotten some discount so lets say 40k all in) and then wait for it. I just could not, and still cannot, justify that kind of money. (The Gibson Custom to my specs last I looked was 64k) The Tokai equivalent was less than half that and I daresay at least on par (if not better) than the Gibson. The LC120 I now own is without a doubt the best guitar I have ever played. (I aint a hot shot guitarist just someone who enjoys playing)

        And then the level of service I received and still receive is superlative.

        AAMOI , the guitar has appreciated in value , I guess that's mostly due to the devaluation of the rand but it is now insured for more than double what I paid for it.

        Long live the brand, recently I was in England and saw a number of them there too, so seems a resurgence of the brand there too although the pricing is less favourable than it is here.
          Haters gonna hate..

          My custom is currently my goto..

          My only gripe, cant find any tokai tshirts, and there still isnt a " tokai's of gfsa thread" ?
            guidothepimmp wrote: Haters gonna hate..

            My custom is currently my goto..

            My only gripe, cant find any tokai tshirts, and there still isnt a " tokai's of gfsa thread" ?
            Is that Ibanez AR300 ?
              singemonkey wrote: This is not intended to restart the war here, but I just wanted to link a piece I wrote about the controversy that launches whenever Tokais or Gibsons get mentioned (never Fender, oddly).
              Another beautifully presented article Singe!

              But...I can't help but think that "controversy" suits Gibson (and benefits Tokai) - free marketing is good marketing...For Tokai it's a unmitigated win.

              Makes me wonder about recent Gibson's silly copyright suit - Stoopid in the eyes of the average player - but helped Gibson stay "relevant" (whatever that means, american marketing is obsessed with staying in current news). Personally, I think they stopped being the "Player's Choice" a while ago.

              consumer electronics take up as much as 75% of the company's total revenues, meaning that only about a quarter of total revenue is reserved for six-strings.
              So if someone is talking about your brand - hating or loving - it's a positive.
                guidothepimmp wrote: Haters gonna hate..

                My custom is currently my goto..

                My only gripe, cant find any tokai tshirts, and there still isnt a " tokai's of gfsa thread" ?
                Well there isn't a Fenders or Gibsons or Gretsches of GFSA either. ?

                That is a smokin' pair of guitars guidothepimmp
                  6 days later
                  Great write-up, Singe.

                  Each to their own I say. People will always differ and voice their opinion one way or the other.
                    Great article, I love a Tokai, superb guitars in their own right! We're incredibly lucky to have the Tokai option in this country.
                      I have two guitars starting with "T", a Tokai LS98 and a Taylor acoustic. Not yet sure which one is the best alternative to prozac. they sure are my goto's though.
                        Stoffeltoo wrote: I have two guitars starting with "T", a Tokai LS98 and a Taylor acoustic. Not yet sure which one is the best alternative to prozac. they sure are my goto's though.
                        Hey Stoffeltoo; I also have a guitar (acoustic) with the brand name beginning with the letter 'T' .......... Tanglewood. ?
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