USA made Peavey 6505 head with matching 4x12 cab and speaker cable to trade for a epi or Tokai les paul standard and a small amp (must be tube) and maybe some pedals etc (must be a nice amp ^^)
Will sell the head and cab for R14000 NEG as well. This halfstack goes for about R31000 new so no low balls please.
I wil trade just the head, but only for an orange head and it will depend on what model you have. very intrested in the OR15H
The head uses four 6L6GC tubes in the power amp section, currently running with only two in half power, half ohm mode as one of the tubes went out. (google: tube amp pulling if you are not sure what this is.)
In the pre amp its got a mesa 12at7 (very low noise tube) for the phase inverter , a ruby 12ax7 for the effects loop and three JJ 12ax7 tubes for the gain stages.
The cab is 16 ohm, 300 watt, loaded with four sheffield 6505 speakers.
The cab has some wear and tear on it, nothing extreme, looks new viewed from the front with the head sitting on top, has caster wheels as we.
German made speaker cable included.
No splitting!!
[img width=450 height=600]$_20.JPG?set_id=8800005007[/img]
If you want anymore info or images just send me a message.
cool thanks!