GFSA Exclusive: Tony Cox - Smudge's Boogie - Lesson 1
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Update 7 Nov 2017: Original page is back with the tabs and everything:
Finally found it: hope to put the page back up at some point as it also had tabs.
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Update 7 Nov 2017: Original page is back with the tabs and everything:
Whoops, I screwed up the link. Try this:
Update 7 Nov 2017: Original page is back with the tabs and everything:
And while I'm here, who would be keen on a GuitarTalk AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Tony Cox?
Reply to show your interest folks ?
Moving the "show your interest" bit to its own thread here:
Reply there if you'd like an "Ask Me Anything" event with Tony Cox.
wow, we dropped the ball on this one Norio, we should have kept it up...I didn't even see these posts, only today...
Hey @tonycoxguitar I'm happy to carry on with it ?
(I think you had to stop because you were working on an album.)