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Hey dudes and dudettes,

Hope you're enjoying some of the (subtle?) new changes...
  • Newsletter has member-avatars next to each topic.
  • Newsletter has an "editorial" section at the top.
  • Second ad in the sidebar was dropped. It was messy, repetitive and didn't even earn its place there.
  • Classifieds added back in the sidebar. No pics yet.
  • Top banner is now hidden on small screens where it doesn't fit. It doesn't fit which does you AND my advertisers no good.
  • Top menu shows on mobile now. Still no dropdowns but that'll come.
These are small changes but I hope they'll improve the experience a bit while I work on much bigger things for you guys.

"Keep on rocking in the new world!" ?
    Nice one Norio!

    I did notice the classifieds bar change - like that!

    Odd thing, I havn't received a newsletter since Apr 26th - I'm fairly sure I didn't unsub by mistake?
      Hmm that is odd.

      Maybe check your spam folder? You should have received one today.
        Can confirm I also didn't receive the newsletter, the last one I seem to be able to find is also from 26 Apr.
          Ok, this is hopefully fixed now. Today's newsletter should hit inboxes within 1-2 hours.
            Also now newsletters in a while, and I regularly check spam.
              Norio wrote: Ok, this is hopefully fixed now. Today's newsletter should hit inboxes within 1-2 hours.
              All fixed, now just got a revised newsletter, looking gooooood - thanks!
                Couple more changes...

                - Header stretches across the top.
                - Front page is "cleaner". Less borders and gradients.
                - Other pages are slightly cleaner too.
                - Added "Matched Content" below every thread to help peeps find other good content. This is experimental. Might not stay.
                - Removed old (broken) Classifieds from front page. (It wasn't doing anything anymore.)
                  Norio wrote: - Added "Matched Content" below every thread to help peeps find other good content. This is experimental. Might not stay.
                  This I'm liking - hope it does stay. How do the choices for what threads are related - or how does the code weight the threads for display as related? Just curious!
                    Meron Rigas wrote:
                    Norio wrote: - Added "Matched Content" below every thread to help peeps find other good content. This is experimental. Might not stay.
                    This I'm liking - hope it does stay. How do the choices for what threads are related - or how does the code weight the threads for display as related? Just curious!
                    I genuinely have no idea. It's a Google thing. I stick the code in, they do the rest.

                    I imagine it would get better over time based on what people click on. So let's see how that goes.

                    2-4 weeks should be enough time for it to settle.
                      a month later
                      Few more changes...

                      1. Top right banners are now gone for good. (They didn't work on mobile and got almost no clicks anyway.)

                      2. Menu moved under logo.

                      3. Social media stuff (Facebook, SoundCloud) added to top right.
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