Finally finished planning and assembling what I had. Only one item outstanding, a multi-track interface.
[b]Current setup:[/b]
DAW's Audacity and Reaper (Steiberg Cubase still sucks :(
Lexicon Lambda recording soundcard
2 Computers, one desk and one Laptop both windows 7 OS
El Cheapo 2 channel power amp 500 watt 4-16 Ohms (Olive/Omega?)
Two 110 Watt solid wooden box speakers (received as a gift and awesomely clean)
16 channel Behringer USB mixer (no effects)
Table bought at an auction for 450 rondellas.
Shelves salvaged from my previous house
Alesis Elevate 3 speakers
Some no name speakers I recovered from a pavement. (sound nice enough :))
Mikes: C1, 2 X C2 and an AKG
Busy manufacturing self made acoustic treatment panels from salvaged acoustic fibreglass wool. (Itchy as hell when handled) need to make 12 for my space
That's my kit