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  • Guitar
  • bias fx / what audio interface to use


Ive been thinking about buying bias amp for PC seeing as I dont have a working amp at the moment and I really like the idea of being able to have multiple amps to play with. Ive been very impressed with all the demos ive seen on youtube.

My question is, what would be the best budget audio interface to get for bias amp? and can I buy locally or do I have to import?

Many thanks
    USB interface + guitar rig = GREAT practice tool!

    You can definitely get interfaces locally. You can also pick up some great deals on gumtree or in the classifieds here.
      If you want to do software processing and monitor the signal live - you'll want to read up on Round Trip Latency (RTL) that various interfaces have. Not all interfaces are the same!

      If you are running a iOS/Mac it's a bit simpler driver-wise, windows machines can be a bit more complicated.

      If you are going for an interface, then you'd want to think about : do I need mic preamp's, midi, how many inputs, how an I going to monitor the outputs?

      I had a Rig Kontrol 3 - which was pretty good. But no mic preamps and was a little bulky if you only want a soundcard but not the footpedal. Then to a focusrite scarlett, which sounded great but had terrible latency on windows for live monitoring of processed effects. And finally a Roland Quad Capture, which doesn't sound as sweet, but the RTL is impressive for the price (I'm told the win drivers are v.good.)
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