First up, testing the tubes. I tried the tubes in my Marwatt, and wouldn't you know, they're all bloody gorgeous. Next up, OT. I grabbed a wiring diagram off the web, a few quick tests with a DMM and so far so good. So I connected it to my amp, and it's working!
Last up, power transformer. Interesting piece, has a bracket with a voltage selector and a mount for the rectifier tube bolted on. No center tap for the heaters, and rectifier and audio tubes on the same heater supply. That introduces hum, so the final build will have to diode rectified.
Voltages are a bit low at first, but then figured out the voltage selector is on 245v primary rather than 220v primary. That sorted, getting a solid 6.7v on the heaters and should get around 370v B+ rectified. That will be bloody perfect.
Now that everything is in working order, it's time to strip the chassis and plan my layout. Many of already drilled holes aren't straight or equidistant. It's messing with my OCD.
Last up, power transformer. Interesting piece, has a bracket with a voltage selector and a mount for the rectifier tube bolted on. No center tap for the heaters, and rectifier and audio tubes on the same heater supply. That introduces hum, so the final build will have to diode rectified.
Voltages are a bit low at first, but then figured out the voltage selector is on 245v primary rather than 220v primary. That sorted, getting a solid 6.7v on the heaters and should get around 370v B+ rectified. That will be bloody perfect.
Now that everything is in working order, it's time to strip the chassis and plan my layout. Many of already drilled holes aren't straight or equidistant. It's messing with my OCD.