Looking to buy a high gain head or combo amp. must be all tube. Will also consider a head with a 2x12 cab. Heads will get preference, not too keen on a combo but it will do.
Budget max R6000 depending on the amp.
Not looking to have anything couriered so local would be best, im in cape town N subs.
Marshall, peavey and orange will get pref, not too keen on laney but might be interested if its a good deal.
PM me with what you have, condition as well as your asking price.
Many thanks!
Budget max R6000 depending on the amp.
Not looking to have anything couriered so local would be best, im in cape town N subs.
Marshall, peavey and orange will get pref, not too keen on laney but might be interested if its a good deal.
PM me with what you have, condition as well as your asking price.
Many thanks!