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Hi there . . .

. . . i heard (from a reliable source) we are getting Parker guitars in SA now.

Does anyone know who has them and how much they go for ?

I can only assume that nothing is affordable any more, not with our current Rand-situation.
Hell, the Rand is sooo bad, SA woman is marrying for love again.

Guitar prices i want to know about, if any of you might know, is : the PDF 60 & PDF 70 series.

Any info, greatly appreciated.

    Stoner Riff wrote: . . . i heard (from a reliable source) we are getting Parker guitars in SA now.
    Yeah, have been for a year or two now. Think it's a durban based distributor - can't recall the name off-hand.

    I got a quote from them late last year...(full retail price)

    Parker PDF 35 R 9,542.00
    Parker PDF 70 R 10,603.00
    Parker PDF 85 R 14,136.00
    Parker PDF 105 R 17,636.00

    Music Mate seemed to stock (I saw they had a Pdf105 on a clearance sale this year around R11500), and I know that there's a music store in Canal Walk that had a few in stock (the store is a retail branch of the distributor I mentioned above).

    I had seen a bunch of Pdf30's recently on SA Music store (facebook group) at 2.5-3k. There was a Pdf60 at 5kish and a 105 at around 6.5kish.

    But I'm unimpressed with the Pdf stuff compared to their more upmarket offerings (USA models).

    Andy Innes was selling one of his ladies at a incredibly reasonable 20kish earlier this year - tempting...He is pretty much the knowledge base locally of all things Parker - I found this gem he posted on SA music group
    "USA Parkers are killer, but you want the fly, not the Maxxfly or DF models. I have a few I'd be willing to sell if you're really interested. I have a Mojo and a custom deluxe I'd be willing to move. I have four Parkers in total"
      BLOODY HELL MATE . . . thanks for the super speedy reply !


      So you do not like the PDF units ?

      I was referred to them, for a super light guitar.
      Lighter than a Gibbo SG.
        Stoner Riff wrote: BLOODY HELL MATE . . . thanks for the super speedy reply !
        Heh, I've a quiet day working on a challenge entry - lurking around the internets in between takes ?

        I lusted after a Parker when I saw em in a Guitar World mag in the 90's. The lightweight approach hooked me. But from what I've read on the Parker forum & Andy's opinion - the one to go for is the US Fly.

        The Pdf series are built to a price - some great design features & lightweight but some of the magic that makes a Parker special was costed out (E.g. Stainless frets). Perhaps the few I've tried were poor examples, but I was underwhelmed by the end product, it felt and looked a bit cheap to me. The Cort I'm modding was far better finished and had better specs.

        And weight-wise the Cort isn't far off the Pdf. Though the stock tuners are fairly weighty - could shave a few 100g's off with some sperzel's or gotoh 510 mini's.

        Go try a bunch of Pdf's out, maybe there's a gem lurking there - I'm probably just being overly picky cheap-a$$ ?
          if you keen on buying one of the cheaper wood models i know someone who was selling one 2nd hand of course in great condition and for a very good price .............yes they very light ....not sure if he still has it or it sold but if you keen and in the market msg me and i will find out for you if it's still available...i have no clue what model it is but i have played it ...he's in jhb

          one of my ex students has an original parket fly all carbon graphite and thats so light you won't believe it ... now thats a gem BUT at top dollar ...and he'll never sell ........
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