Hey everyone. My name is Werner. I am from White River, Mpumalanga (it’s that small town just north of Nelspruit)
I got my first guitar when I was 18 (A Hohner nylon string) and have been tinkering and playing ever since, but I have only taken it up seriously about 4 or 5 years ago. Taught myself everything I know! (which probably isn’t a lot)
Grew up with music and it is a huge part of my life.
I am that idiot that everyone always gawks at with the really crappy gear…Yeah… I bought without thinking and without knowing and am now kinda stuck with it. Mostly due to financial constraints of buying high end guitars. But it’s not been all bad. Have had some good times.
I also record at home with a very basic set up and free online software…
I have:
Adonis Electric (strat body), which the sales man assured me was a good buy. (Curse him!!!) >☹
Behringer XV-Amp multi Effects pedal with an old, ‘normal’ amp. (not my first choice in pedal or amp, but hey…) :-[
Stagg steel string acoustic, which sounds better than the name suggests...
And… am almost the proud owner of a 1975 Ibanez Vintage 627. (The lawsuit edition / Martin 18-D knock off) Which in some way I think will redeem me…? 8)
I am learning as I go. My left hand is fine in pressing down the correct strings, my right hand needs assistance in playing the correct string. :?
Here to learn, mix, mingle, collaborate and enjoy.