Last year I came across the idea of building a acoustic kit guitar, however it seem that I would enjoy doing a scratch build as well.
Either way I have been introduced to sites like,,, and, who provides kit guitars and general luthier tools.
As all hobbies you need to invest in tools and equipment, however importing the minimum essential tools needed still cost an arm and a leg.
Where do the established luthiers in SA get their equipment? As this might be an exciting enterprise to make guitar for the pleasure of it and not for commercial purposes, but it seems to put me off before I even started.
Is the any suggestions on tools that I can use instead? (To use an example: Stewmac: Tools they support as necessary, the kit, shipping, other tools, scraps ect. sum total would cost the first hobby build guitar: R21000.)
During my investigations it appeared that wood is easily available in South Africa, however tools and other parts not so much. (Or am I just not aware of the places to get i?
I wondered if there is other guitarist (hobby builders) that is engaging in guitar building that would like to share their ideas and thoughts on my comment.
Till later.
Soppies uit.
Either way I have been introduced to sites like,,, and, who provides kit guitars and general luthier tools.
As all hobbies you need to invest in tools and equipment, however importing the minimum essential tools needed still cost an arm and a leg.
Where do the established luthiers in SA get their equipment? As this might be an exciting enterprise to make guitar for the pleasure of it and not for commercial purposes, but it seems to put me off before I even started.
Is the any suggestions on tools that I can use instead? (To use an example: Stewmac: Tools they support as necessary, the kit, shipping, other tools, scraps ect. sum total would cost the first hobby build guitar: R21000.)
During my investigations it appeared that wood is easily available in South Africa, however tools and other parts not so much. (Or am I just not aware of the places to get i?
I wondered if there is other guitarist (hobby builders) that is engaging in guitar building that would like to share their ideas and thoughts on my comment.
Till later.
Soppies uit.