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The past year, I've pretty much done an about turn gear wise. I sold off all my amps, my pedals (which is a pretty big thing for me) and sundry bits. Bought a good Mac, a Scarlett 18i20, some decent mics (AT 4033's and a few others like SM57; 58 etc), a Kemper and some Genelec M040's.

I'm treating ym room over the next few months and also building a studio desk with rack space easily accessible. My question is: what next?

A better converter, ala Universal Audio Apollo or Apogee Ensemble 2?
A 500 series lunchbox, loaded with API and Neve pre's, eq and comp?
More mics - maybe some drums mics? (Beta 52a, MD421 etc)

Probably have about a 40k budget over the next year to slowly build up my home studio.
    Hi Danny

    What sort of music/market are you aiming at?

    How big is your studio?

    My thinking is to get some room treatment and room size dictates how much.

    With the good mics you have your Scarlett will get you going and keep you recording for quite a while, so look at the room and maybe a sub and some small monitors or even a boombox.

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