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That's looking stunning! That burst though, it gives the the body amazing depth. Respect!
    Thanks Rikus, EZ, Shaun, V8, Norman. I was wanting to get the grain emphasized without losing the paleness of the wood. It took a bit of fine sand paper to get it there. I think I have seen this effect somewhere before i.e. dark pores + burst.

    It has occurred to be that a very wet nitro coat applied before the pore filling might better preserve the wood colour around the pores.
    So far, it all looks like I planned it, so that's satisfying. For the next few weeks, it'll be a few clear coat, but mostly it'll be "watching paint dry". After the final coat, it needs a good few hot weeks for the nitro to settle.

    I then flatten it with (400)/600/800/100grit and buff. If you do this before the nitro has settled, the glassy polished surface will be shrink further and all the pores etc. will be come thru in the shine. Rule of thumb: Wait for it to stop smelling, and then some.
      You do a lovely burst, mr Dawg.

      That guitar looks incredible.
        lapdawg wrote: Next to this are 2 of the gearless tuners. These must be the smoothest tuners there are.
        Eh... You don't mention where you bught them Steinberger jobbies? StewMac stopped selling them and I don't seem to be able to find who still do... Please help?
        lapdawg wrote:It has occurred to be that a very wet nitro coat applied before the pore filling might better preserve the wood colour around the pores.
        Are you worried the color of the filler will bleed into the wood? This can only happen if the dye will dissolve into something and then the solvent into the wood. Your best bet now would be not to give the dye that solvent...

        Good lookin guit, admire the work. Lotsa strength watching the paint dry.
          Gearhead wrote:
          lapdawg wrote: Next to this are 2 of the gearless tuners. These must be the smoothest tuners there are.
          Eh... You don't mention where you bught them Steinberger jobbies? StewMac stopped selling them and I don't seem to be able to find who still do... Please help?
          lapdawg wrote:It has occurred to be that a very wet nitro coat applied before the pore filling might better preserve the wood colour around the pores.
          Are you worried the color of the filler will bleed into the wood? This can only happen if the dye will dissolve into something and then the solvent into the wood. Your best bet now would be not to give the dye that solvent...

          Good lookin guit, admire the work. Lotsa strength watching the paint dry.
          Thanks Gearhead - First, the wet cost would reduce peneration ofthe stain, but still allow the filiing and colouring of the pores. I like this contrast because it really emphasizes the character of the grain. I managed to get this effect by fine sanding the surface - which of course doesn't change the darkened pores.

          Second, the Steibergers disappeared just as I realised what brilliant pieces of engineering they are. I read a banjo maker saying on a thread that he had heard that Gibson were not going to sell them anymore and were using them for their guitars only. He then bought all the Stew Mac remaining stock. That happened about 2 days before I tried to get from SM. I found a pair on eBay. They up occasionally now and go for well over $200. Take the exchange, add shipping and duties and that a big price.
          We need some one to make something similar - the patent is only a US patent frm what I can see, and the principle is quite simple.
            seriously good stuffs!!!
              lapdawg wrote: We need some one to make something similar - the patent is only a US patent frm what I can see, and the principle is quite simple.
              Someone eh? Challenge accepted. I would very much prefer one in my hands to do drawings first though. The patent would leave a lot of detail out, rather measure what is there. Could you borrow me one while the paint dries?
                Gearhead wrote:
                lapdawg wrote: We need some one to make something similar - the patent is only a US patent frm what I can see, and the principle is quite simple.
                Someone eh? Challenge accepted. I would very much prefer one in my hands to do drawings first though. The patent would leave a lot of detail out, rather measure what is there. Could you borrow me one while the paint dries?
                That sounds like a good idea. Lets PM and work it out.
                The Rand is about to hit 15 to the $! Buying quality parts from the US is becoming prohibitive anyway.
                  Patent is from 1991 meaning it will expire 2016... Something new will come along at a much better price. </offtopic>
                    4 days later
                    Gearhead wrote: Patent is from 1991 meaning it will expire 2016... Something new will come along at a much better price. </offtopic>
                    I hope that happens because I wold really like to get more of these tuners. They work really well. I they're just a superior design of tuner. I consider this guitar a prototype and hope I get to make more - with a few tweaks.
                    Anyway, I'm almost finished. I need to do a bit of soldering and some setup. I still need have the name plate on the headstock engraved - with something. It can't remain nameless...

                      Holy moly! That is incredible! Great job 8)
                        lapdawg wrote:

                        Soooo pretty, that really did come out a stunner - I REALLY like what you've done with the headstock, black with that line of wood, lovely design touch!

                        Can't wait to see it in the flesh!
                          What a stunner. It came together beautifully. I'm really in love with that finish . Those TV Jones Pups look great in there! :goodtimes:

                            Rikus wrote: What a stunner. It came together beautifully. I'm really in love with that finish . Those TV Jones Pups look great in there! :goodtimes:

                            If I make another, the pickups will slot straight into the body - no rings. I was nervous about a clean edge, so I chickened out and cut humbucker-style slots with pickup rings.
                            If you unscrew the neck pickup ring it moves back to expose the spoke-wheel truss rod nut, but its not necessary to hide it under a pickup ring.
                              4 days later
                              want... want... baaaaadly. Fark.
                                Thanks. I like it, but know that it would be a mistake to assume that it will appeal to anyone else. It was really bult to achieve a specific set of objectives - that I put down in the opening post of this thread. I am happy that it fits to the goals.
                                I rushed out the finish, so its not perfect. Its a prototype - I have already made a list of small design changes, so if I ever make anymore, ther will be a few changes:
                                - the headstock will be a fractlion bigger, the tuner posistions will move fractionally.
                                - the pickguard will not run so close to the edge of the body i.e. It will be a little smaller.
                                - no pickup rings. The pups will sit flush in the body
                                - I have found a well priced, more traditional and slightly less chunky wraparound bridge that will fit better.
                                - I am thinking about pushing the controls and toggle back a fraction.

                                Its with EZ at the moment. He's going to do a review and some sound clips. I'll let someone more objective do a players assessment.
                                  What did you end up making the control cavity cover ouy of?
                                    G-Man wrote: What did you end up making the control cavity cover ouy of?
                                    I used the blank sheets sold by Guitar Fetish. Same as all my pickguards and covers. I haven't been able to get a decent substitute locally.
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